At Metro Hope we have a number of events throughout the year. Our events focus on making an impact not only on our residents, but the community as a whole. CLICK HERE to see our upcoming events.
Our ministry would not be able to make the impact we do without our volunteers. Whether you want to bring a group to one of our facilities for a volunteer project or if you have a specific gift or expertise that you want to share with our clients, we would be honored to have you as a volunteer. CLICK HERE to see volunteer opportunities along with a way to connect.
At Metro Hope we are committed to supporting the entire family. Sometimes we have a whole family in the in the program, husband, wife and the kids. However more often we have an individual in our program with the family on there own. It is important that we work to help foster and build healthy family interactions. CLICK HERE to inquire about our sponsor a family program.
At Metro Hope we value all of our business and community partners. If you own a business or work for a company that gives to nonprofits we would be honored to have the chance to learn more about you and explore possible partnerships. Click Here to inquire about becoming a partner.
Giving financially to Metro Hope is truly an investment in our community's future. Every dollar that is donated goes to build, support, and restore the residents in our program, in hopes that they will be able to go back into their community and pay it forward.